Monday, August 15, 2016

Old School New Body Review

Ever find that time seems to go by in a blink of an eye and that jeans that used to be loose, need a belt?  I was in this situation a few years ago and I while admit that it did make getting dressed in the morning faster, I don’t think anyone would rate that as one of their top time saving tips!
Old School New Body

I finally got up the nerve to weigh myself and saw that it went over 200!  So I tried a different scale, unfortunately both scales looked to be working…
That was when I realized I needed to start looking for ways to get back to the weight I used to be and start taking my health much more seriously.  After much research (it’s what I do!) both in the real world and internet, I now have an image of how I want to look right now and in the future.  Not just an image either, an actual way to get both the health benefits AND the look I’m going for!  So I created this site to share my findings, I hope you find it helpful!
In a hurry?
I use and recommend Old School, New Body.  Pick up your copy here.  Its straightforward, works well and you can keep using it indefinitely.
Combine it with Dr. Groves’ Diet and Intermittent Fasting for great results!

I don’t believe it.
What’s the secret?
It’s not much of a secret as I’m sure you’ve seen these steps; it’s an age old formula
  • Eat Healthy
  • Exercise Consistently
  • Sleep well
It’s just all the different ways to do these steps that is confusing.  Old School, New Body fits into the second in the list.  It also edges into eating healthy but I recommend and follow something slightly different.  For sleep, I would recommend getting at least 7 ½ hours.  Most people sleep in cycles of 1 ½ hours.  If your sleep is interrupted in the middle of a cycle you will actually feel even MORE tired than before you went to sleep!
What is Old School, New Body?
Remember Safety!
Old School, New Body is essentially a fitness program geared towards us, more “seasoned” adults – particularly ages 40 and above. Steve and Becky Holman have crafted a workout program to help get people into shape safelyand quickly.  Personally the safely part was far more important to me than the quickly. But the quickly part definitely doesn’t hurt!
The core of Old School, New Body is labeled the F4X workout system.
What is the F4X workout?
F4X stands for Focus-4 Exercises.  These would be 4 core exercises that have been identified as being the most effective.
  1. Squats
  2. Incline presses
  3. Bent over rows
  4. Upright rows
The F4X training system lays out 3 different workout plans that each focuses on a particular fitness goal and all 3 include the F4 eXercises.  No matter which workout plan you choose it should take no more than 60 minutes to complete, with the minimal workout taking about 30 minutes.
Incidentally the LEAN workout routine is done 3 days a week, this is where the 90 minutes per week on the cover comes from (3x 30min).
What are the 3 different F4X workouts?
The 3 workouts are:
  1. F4X LEAN
  2. F4X SHAPE
  3. F4X BUILD
Can be used by men and women
LEAN: This workout is geared towards beginners or people who haven’t been hitting the gym in a while.  It consists solely of the 4 most effective exercises and you can use this workout indefinitely for great results.  Since it is only 4 exercises it can be done in about 30 minutes 3 times a week.  When you are pressed for time or feeling lazy, this would be a great option.  I know I fall back on this often.
SHAPE: This is for when you have more time and want to up the intensity.  It of course incorporates the 4 core exercises but it is when you want even faster results.  The workouts are laid out to be done 3 times a week and should take less than an hour to complete (usually 45 minutes for me).  I usually go between this and LEAN depending how I am feeling that day and/or if I am pressed for time.
BUILD: This would be the most intense of the 3 workouts. For those people who seek to maximize their results (like a bodybuilder) and that have been working out regularly for quite a while.  Workouts are still able to be completed in less than a hour but it is done 4 times a week.  Personally I don’t use these workouts regularly, I go between SHAPE and LEAN depending on my energy level.
How is this safer than other workouts?
So far I haven’t mentioned anything that would differentiate F4x from any other workout program, especially anything that would make it safer.  The joint saving part of the F4X system comes out of the system being a modified version of Vince Gironda’s system.
Vince Gironda was known as the “iron guru” and was known throughout Hollywood at the time for his extraordinarily fast results.  One of the first “trainer of the stars”.  Vince’s system advocates workoutdensity, where lower weights are done for more sets with minimal rest.
The lower weights along with the smaller number of exercises, compared to traditional workouts, advocated in the F4X protocol is the key to what makes this training system easier on your joints and how you are far less likely to cause yourself injury.
Vince Gironda
Wait, how did Vince Gironda come into it?
One of the writers Steve Holman was a contemporary of Vince Gironda and after Vince’s passing, the magazine Steve works for “Iron Man” was given some of Vince’s belongings.  This story among others is written about in the introduction of the book.
While reading through some of Vince’s logs and writings, Steve decided to try Vince’s workout methods.  Keep in mind that medium weight, high fatigue training was against all common workout wisdom at the time.  Even now it is not an extremely common workout recommendation.
So who is Steve Holman?
Steve Holman has been the editor in chief for Iron Man magazine for over 25 years.  He has written multiple books on weight training and nutrition as well as many many articles concerning fitness and weightloss.  He’s even interviewed physique legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Lee Labrada.
If you do a Google search for him you can see lots of photos of him all over the internet appearing much larger than on the cover.  I’m sure you can agree that his physique is no joke.  I am not aiming to look that big but his background does set my mind at ease.
Who is Becky Holman?
Becky is Steve’s wife of over 28 years and is one of the radical success stories of the F4X method.  Her transformation is quite eye opening, since she started in her 40s.  She is now a regular contributor to Iron Man magazine.
BTW if you couldn’t guess, the man and woman on the cover is Steve and Becky Holman.
Do I have to be a member of a gym?
A gym membership is not necessary.  You will require some dumbbells though.  There is an entire chapter dedicated to using dumbbells at home.  They recommend Powerblocks, I prefer the IronMaster’s but it is up to your preference, any weight set will work. I would stick to just dumbbells at home, the usual lack of a spotter will mean dumbbells are safer.  I’m sure you’ve heard the horror stories of someone getting trapped under a barbell while bench pressing.
I personally don’t have a gym membership just an adjustable dumbbell set, resistance bands and an adjustable workout bench.  The gyms by me are well equipped but are so full, that there is a wait for almost everything.  I found working out from home to be much quicker, around 45 minutes for my workout instead of 60 on average if I went to the gym.  Also travel time was around 2 minutes instead of 15.
Old School New Body Review
Old School New Body Cover

What is in the Old School, New Body program?

  • The Old School, New Body ebook (PDF)
This is the main book and core of the program.  It is well laid out and I would recommend giving it a read through before starting any of the workouts in the Quick Start guide, which is also included.  The book goes into detail on the history of how F4X was formulated as well as the core concepts on how you should do the exercises.  They also include lots of motivational information and nutritional info.
The book is a quick and easy read.  The motivational information really was motivating and the background info was fascinating as well.  The desire of the authors to help you without wanting anything else from you, really comes through in the writing.
  • Quick Start Guide
This is a short 15 page guide, which lists all the exercises in LEAN, SHAPE and BUILD workouts.  This would be most effective if you use this AFTER reading the full ebook.  Referencing the quick start guide during your workout is really where the guide shines.Sex and Anti-aging
  • Ultimate Fat Burning Secrets Special Report
  • Ultimate Health & Happiness Secrets Special Report
  • Ultimate Muscle Building Secrets Special Report
  • Ultimate Sex and Anti-Aging Secrets Special Report
These special reports are mostly about tips and recommendations about what foods and supplements you can take to help burn fat, increase libido, etc.
I didn’t find the special reports extremely helpful.  Some of the information is fairly well known, e.g. broccoli is good for weightloss, Tongkat Ali is good for testosterone and anti-aging.
It is nice that the information is all in one place but it is not an essential part of the system.  But It is free…
Audio interviews with fitness professionals:
  • Tom Venuto interview
  • Kristi Frank interview
  • Bill Phillips interview
  • Tom Platz interview
  • Jennifer Nicole Lee interview
  • Shawn Phillips interview
There are a few more names but I thought I’d just hit some of the more well known ones.  I did not listen to the interviews so I can’t comment on how they are.  They are included free so maybe one of these days I’ll go back and give them a listen.


  • Exercises could be described better for clarity.  More photos or links to videos.
  • Interviews are rather extraneous
  • Ultimate reports are nice but again doesn’t add huge value
  • Supplement information is average
  • The anti-aging is a generic result of building/toning muscle, I don’t think they should have used it as such an integral claim…


  • The workout plans are top notch.  Very quick and efficient ~30 minutes for LEAN ~45 minutes for SHAPE ~60 minutes for BUILD
  • You can get and keep some good results using just 4 exercises, indefinitely!
  • Good for the young and the not so young!  Men and Women!  Easy on your joints, no joint pain.
  • Nutrition plan laid out in the book is solid, well laid out and should work for everyone. Though I get better results with Dr. Groves’ Diet and Intermittent Fasting
  • Interviews and Reports don’t add huge value but they are free…
  • 100% money back guarantee – I doubt you’ll ever need it, but it’s nice to have
Tips from me!
  • I don’t actually take any of their recommended supplements besides omega-3 fish oil and green tea.  I would recommend using a different resource for supplement information and skimming their recommendations.  The supplement field changes so quickly that no book can really keep up.
  • I would incorporate some walking before the workout to warm up.  I do a brisk 5-10 minute incline walk to get the blood flowing.  If you feel up to it, a 5-10 minute walk to cool down or some stretching would be an excellent way to end any workout.
  • I’ll review anything else I personally use on this blog but if you have any questions feel free to hit me up!
  • I rotate between this and other workouts every 6 months or so.  Some more background information as well as a few more resources.
  • Build a small home gym, even just a bench and a couple of weights to start off with will work great!

What did I think of it and where can you buy a copy?

Steve Reeves
Through my research I found out about Vince Gironda and Steve Reeves, now I am a fan of theirs.  Steve Reeves had the type of physique that I strive for, not excessively muscled and symmetrical. Vince Gironda got impressive results as a trainer and was far ahead of his time.
I believe that Steve and Becky Holman have given the modern twist to Vince Gironda’s workouts it needed, with the backing of science and research!  I would definitely recommend Old School, New Body and I use it regularly.
You can get your copy as well as find out some more about Old School, New Body here.


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